Winter Driving Safety Tips from Vermont Accident Attorneys

Whether you're a Vermont native, or just visiting for a winter ski trip, our state can throw all kinds of weather surprise your way. From heavy snow and blowing winds that can reduce road visibility to zero, to that dreaded freezing rain and ice storm, getting from point A to point B can often be a dangerous challenge.

  1. Pack an emergency winter supply kit – Keeping an emergency kit stocked year round in your car is a smart idea. Your car might break down unexpectedly, so you will want to be prepared for these moments. Make sure to update your emergency kit for a Vermont winter. Items to add to your kit include: a flashlight, a blanket, warm spare clothes, a small shovel, an ice scraper, and snacks.

  2. Inspect your car’s heater, defroster, and battery – Before heading out during a Vermont snowstorm, make sure your car is in good condition for winter driving. You don’t want to end up broken down on a cold winter night in Vermont.

  3. Check your engine coolant and antifreeze levels – Grab a kit from your local Vermont auto supply shop to check your engine coolant and antifreeze levels, to prevent your engine from freezing at subzero temperatures.

  4. Check your windshield wiper fluid – Make sure you have more than enough windshield wiper fluid to ensure visibility on slushy and snowy roads.

  5. Switch to winter tires for better traction – Driving with low-tread tires can be seriously dangerous. Between black-ice, slushy and snowy pavement, and the unpaved back roads of Vermont, you need all the traction you can get. Make sure to invest in snow tires for your car rather than just all-season tires.

  6. Monitor tire pressure throughout the winter – Check your vehicle’s manual for proper tire pressure levels to keep your tires’ traction best for the road.

  7. Keep your gas tank at least halfway full – With the freezing temperatures in Vermont it is especially important to keep your gas tank at least halfway full throughout the winter. You don’t want to end up with a frozen fuel tank.

  8. Clear all snow and ice off of your car – Before you leave your house make sure to clear all snow off of your car, defrost your windshield, and turn your headlights on for best visibility.

Before heading out, check road conditions in Vermont at The roads may look OK nearby, but can turn quickly dangerous as you venture out. Even the best drivers end up in accidents, so make sure to reduce your speed, keep a safe distance from other vehicles, and make sure you know what to do after a car accident in Vermont. If your car begins to skid, turn your wheel in the direction of the skid and slowly press on the brake. If you end up in an accident this winter, turn your hazard lights on immediately and call 911 for help.

It can be difficult to determine who is at fault in a winter driving accident, so contact the Vermont accident attorneys at Brady Donahue at (802) 885-2001. Whether you are seeking workers’ compensation for your winter driving accident or are involved in a personal accident, the attorneys at Brady Donahue are here to assist you. As Vermont drivers ourselves, we understand how dangerous winter weather conditions can be, and that many accidents are out of your own control. Let us help you receive the proper compensation for your accident this winter in Vermont.